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Mega5-est カスタム ハイブリッド インイヤー モニター 1DD+2BA+2EST

Mega5-est カスタム ハイブリッド インイヤー モニター 1DD+2BA+2EST

4 総レビュー数

通常価格 $699.00
通常価格 $799.00 セールスプライス $699.00
セール 完売


Mega5-est ハイブリッドカスタムインイヤーモニターについて

Mega5-est は、1 つの 10mm Hisenior スーパーバス カスタム ダイナミック ドライバー、デュアル Sonion バランスド アーマチュア ドライバー、デュアル静電型スーパー ツイーター (高音域は 70KHz まで拡張) で構成される、アップグレードされた 5 ドライバー ハイブリッド構成を備えています。


Mega5-est インイヤー モニターは、10mm DD ドライバーと 2 つの静電スーパー ツイーター ドライバーを備えた Hisenior 1st ハイブリッド IEM で、忠実な録音ダイナミクス、超高速過渡応答、幅広い分散を実現し、音楽や映画のプロのニーズに応えます。 、放送制作。

ミュージシャン: ドラム、ベース、ボーカル、ギター、キー、ミックス

(注記: 私たちが推奨するのは基本的な方向性だけです。サウンドは常に好みの問題であり、非常に主観的なものです。専門的な相談が必要な場合は、DM/メールでお問い合わせいただくか、地元の正規ディーラーを見つけて試聴してください)



ドライバー 1DD+2BAs+2Est(sonion)  
構成 1低+2中高+2Est
チューニング 3Way/トリプルボア/3ダンパー
周波数応答 10Hz-50Khz
感度 110dB/mW
インピーダンス 38Ω
アイソレーション -26db
ケーブル 0.78mm 2ピンOCCケーブル(1.2M/47インチ) 
保証2 年 (IEM のみ)


-0.78mm 2ピン 8芯銀メッキoccケーブル(1.2M/47インチ)


- 7KHz以上のスーパーツイーター



1. DM/メールでご連絡ください: FB/Ins/Twitter/custom@hisenior-iem.com
2. デザインプランを教えてください - シェル/フェイスプレート/ロゴ....
3. 注文する
4. 耳型を作成する
5. 耳型を当社に発送します 
6. CIEM の到着を待っています


Q: 上記にリストされていないシェル フェイスプレートに興味があります。どうすればよいですか?
R: FB/INS または電子メールからご希望のデザイン画像を送信してください。カスタマイズできるかどうかを確認するお手伝いをいたします。

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Mega5EST Tribrid In-ear Monitor


5-Drivers (1DD+2BA+2EST)

2xElectrostatic Super Tweeter in (up 80Khz extension)

Hisenior custom 10mm Bio-cellular Diaphgram Bass-focused and Warm Dynamic Driver

Harman IEM Target Referred and Hisenior Smooth Coherence Tuing from Bass to Treble, Warm Natural Bass, Well-definited and Top Clean Instrumental Sound

-26db Noise Isolation

Whitewhale 290Cores UPOCC(SilverPlated) Premium Cable


Drivers: 1DD+2BAs+2Est(sonion)  

Configuration: 1Low +2Mid-highs+2S-Highs

Tuning: 4Ways/ Triple-Bores/3Dampers

Freq Response: 10Hz-50Khz

Sensitivity: 105dB/mW

Impedance: 25Ω

Noise Isolation: -26db

What's in the Box

Mega5Est Tribrid In-ear Monitor

WhiteWhale Premium Cable

1010AGen2 Protect Case(Waterproof)

Clean Tool

Cable Clip

Clean Cloth


1-Years (IEM Only)

30-Days Perfect Fit Guarantee

New Tech: 3D Ear Impression

  • STL 3D Scan File, Directly Made in Local with the Help from Audiologist
  • Faster: Lead time 2-4Weeks
  • Save Money: No Need Cost Expensive Freight to Ship the Physical Ear Impression

Electrostatic Super Tweeter

  • Dual Electret Technology with Transformer
  • S-Highs Freq Extend Up to 80Khz
  • Passive Driver by Included Miniature Transformer
  • Super tweeter from 7KHz and Upwards

WhiteWhale Premium Cable

  • Premium UP-OCC (Silver-Plated)
  • 290Cores Coaxially Shielded
  • 2Strands 24AWG
  • Ultra-soft PVC Insulation
  • Gold-plated 0.78mm 2Pins Connector
  • 4.4mm Balanced Gold-plated Brass Plug
  • Anodized Aluminum Alloy Plug Case, Splitter, Slider
  • 1.2M White Color
  • Coaxial Multi-layers Litz Structure and High-Density Shielding Design

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Amit Pattnaik
My first CIEM and I am blown away

I cannot recommend the service quality of the team at Hisenior more - they were exceptional in the promptness and clarity of their communication. Gareth looked after my custom order of the Mega5EST bass plus edition and they came out really well. I will buy more from them for sure. Now for the tuning, what can I say - it was one of the best examples of the meta tuning. My music library has never sounded so good in any other IEM and I guess the fact that it is a custom fit, it seals really well. Although it has plenty of bass on tap, it only rumbles and slams when the track demands it and doesn’t muddy the mids. It has plenty of details in the air region as well making it very resolving. I highly recommend both the IEMs and the Hisenior team.

Paul Gutierrez
The best I've had

I may not have listened to a lot of high end IEM aside from the Campfire Vega and the Shure SE535 (It was considered high end back then). But the Mega5EST just stands alone. Amazing bass, great mid range and detailed treble without it being fatiguing or piercing, just right.

Personally I just can't find any faults on the sound or on the build of my custom Mega5EST, it sounds exactly how I've always wanted my IEM to sound. The fit had some fine tuning at first, but after that I easily spend 10 hours at day wearing them.

I've pretty much tapped out of the IEM chase with this one.

Evan Leong
The overall best iem I have ever touched.

I have been using them for 3 weeks, and the mega5est surpassed every single iem I have in terms of naturalness and timbre. AB tested them against the Andromeda, Monark MK3, prestige, Unique Melody MEST, and more, And the Mega5est made them all sound unnatural in comparison...(The prestige came close though) . They might not be the best when it comes to detail reproduction, but hell do they more than make up for it with everything else.

However, I have to admit that they are more of a "mature tuning" where they have a "the longer you are in the audiophile journey, the more they appeal to you" kind of sound and would not excite everyone.

I used the Mega5est with the Ifi Neo idsd 2 and RME adi-2 dac fs. And I can say they bring out the sound of amps quite a bit(applies to even something like Xspace, where they do wonders).

Overall, I can see someone end their audio game with a pair of Mega5est and a RME dac/amp, 10/10 highly recommended.

Max Weitzel
Excellent Quality


After so many IEMs my first CIEM.
The sound quality and workmanship are very good.The CIEMs fit perfectly.

Hisenior has been around longer than other brands in China.
And so also has a lot of experience in it.

The boss is always helpful and communicative and you can write to him at any time.

I will probably buy more iems from Hisenior. The T4 or even more likely a new flagship.

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